Sunday, November 1, 2009

Freedom of Religion

This next blog is a major controversy, but I know it NEEDS to be said. I am a man, er young man for all freedoms and this one is NO EXCEPTION. If I offend anyone, well I don't care. Read my Political Correctness post =p. So without further comment...

Freedom of religion is a major freedom that America's Founding Father's realized was essential for many reasons. The first was because America was the land of opportunity, to escape the religious dogma that was the Church of England or the varying sects of controlling religion in Europe. The second was because our Founding Father's, if not Christian themselves, realized the importance Judeo-Christian themes could have with the message of Freedom. Many of America's founding principles were based on these themes and thus the first amendment specifically starts off with Congress shall make NO law establishing a state religion and restricting religious beliefs.

Like I said in other posts, once we start hindering the free beliefs and practices of citizens, the closer we step towards tryanny and totalitarianism. This my dear readers, is bad.

In August, 1984, one of the most inspirational and well respected presidents, Ronald Reagan spoke in Dallas, Texas about a country with "no God."

"We establish no religion in this country, nor will we ever. We command no worship. We mandate no belief. But we posion our society when we remove its theological underpinnings. We court corruption when we leave it bereft of belief. All are free to believe or not believe; all are free to practice a faith or not. But those who believe must be free to speak of and act on their belief, to apply moral teaching to public questions.

"I submit to you that the tolerant society is open to and encouraging of all religions. And this does not weaken us; it strengthens us....

"Without God, there is no virtue, because there's no prompting of the conscience. Without God, we're mired in the material, that flat world that tells us only what the senses percieve. Without God, there is a coarsening of the society. And without God, democracy will not and cannot long endure. If we ever forget that we're One Nation Under God, then we are a nation gone under."

As Ronald Reagan says, we are a country free to practice any belief you so believe in. You HAVE that constitutional right. But we are starting to lose that right. It all goes back to being politically correct. Because people are offended at a religion, they demand that it be removed from government entirely, complete seperation of chruch and state. This is what I say to that belief.

This country has great men and women in it. From all different races, to political ideas, to religious beliefs. It's these differences that make this country work. How? It makes things so much harder to get things done? That, my friend, is essential to freedom. Make passing of laws harder. It slows down the speed of the government, thus restricting the government from rapidly obtaining more power.

Rabbit Trail Moment: Wake up America! Our charismatic President Barack Obama is playing with that idea. Does any one wonder why he is pushing for his policies to get down so quickly. It's not because he cares, it is because he realizes that the longer it takes the less likely it'll get done.

Anyway, religious ideals form the background of ethics. Now I'm no philosopher and I don't pretend to be, however, imagine a society where morals were unimportant? Terrible I know. My religious views make me who I am. Just as yours make who you are. However, because of that horrible thing called "PC" religious views are being restricted in the United States. more specifically the Christian view is.

People get offended because a child prayed in front of an athiest at school. That means the Christian child gets punished. For what?! For expressing his beliefs?! That my friend is the start of a dictatorship. But truly that example is an extreme case. Really, is it?

A young girl in a second grade history class in Boston, Ma. was given an assignment as with the rest of the class to choose their role model in history. The child chose Jesus as her historic role model. However the teacher, an athiest, decided to fail the child for "not following" the instructions by choosing someone that did not exist.

Clearly, Christian views are being attacked, but why?

The number one answer is because those who wish to gain control ie more government realize Christian ideals are essential to a free nation. So it starts with harmless laws such as no school prayer or no posting of the Ten Commandments.

Rabbit Trail Moment: Funny thing, in my former high school, the World History I class learns about distinct religions, ironically we spend so much time learning about Islam then any other religion in history. The students then do a project about the Pillars of Islam and they get posted on the school walls, yet, the Ten Commandments are not allowed. Hypocrisy? no of course not!

I don't care what people say, religion has had a benefit on society rather then a negative effect. The freedom to believe and express those beliefs is essential to any free culture. We must not allow dogma and political correctness to supress these beliefs. Remember one of the first groups Hitler targetted were the Christian and Jewish groups.

God Bless America!


  1. I apoligize for the delay on the update, my computer had a small crash.

  2. I don't care what the Christers want to do and I am not offended by any public displays of religion. The problem arises when they want to enforce their morals and commandments on me in the form of civil law.

  3. like? I mean isnt do not steal, and do not murder essential to our laws? Morality is the key to justice! If we were anti-moral(without morals not evil) People could get away with murder because people are free from other people's moral perspective.

    I am not saying that the Government should allow a law saying its mandatory to pray in school, but I am saying that the government cant stop someone from praying in school either? Do you understand?
