Saturday, November 21, 2009

Education: Why BIg Government and Education is a Bad Idea

Education is important for any great society to form. The masses NEED to be educated. So I'm one of the many who believes that education should be a free pursuit and a privalege that a member of a free society earns. Let me say that again. Education is a privalege. Not a right.

First of all, education should not be mandated or forced. That's a good way to lose basic freedoms, soon it becomes forced to watch an "Inconvienant Truth" and God only knows how horrible that would be...oh wait, already happens! I understand the k-12 system. I went through it, graduated from it, glad its over with!

Here's the problem with it. Teachers are trained to teach from the books. What ever are in the books is fact and that is the end of the discussion. If you have a question on the information, you may ask, but (and this is the problem) students are DISCOURAGED from asking a question against the information. The books says the Pilgrims settled in Jamestown? Well the book says it I guess it has too be true. Hold on! Jimmy is raising his hand! "Ms. Teacher, weren't the pilgrims on the Mayflower and land at Plymoth, not Jamestown?" Uh-oh. He asked a question. "Why no Jimmy, the book is never wrong..."

Now I know what you're thinking. That never happens. I went through a K-12 system and I never had that problem. Well I'm glad for you! But it happens and here is why:

Teachers are severely underqualified to do their job.

Now I've gone too far. Blaming teachers? Well yes, I am. If there is one thing I don't like it would be a politician, followed by a cheap lawyer, but the third on that list is a proffesor/teacher. Don't like them. They are overpayed for a job that they hardly do in the first place. Sorry.

Now here is what happened with teachers. You see it all started with the progressive era in which labor unions started taking a stand against employers. Well teaching became a career that was unionized. Well more and more people wanted to become teachers due to the many benefits you can gain by being one. Also the demand for teachers went up roughly in the mid 1900's due to the crisis of the cold war. The government decided that teachers only need to meet point requirements to become a teacher. Well that standard has been lowered and lowered until now it hardly means anything to be a teacher.

So my solution for this teacher crisis: Abolish all things once great called a Union, did I put "once great" in front of unions?....sorry scratch that part out. After the unions are finally rid of, throw a huge celebration, for freedom has finally come back to the market!!! *Thumbs up!* After everyone sobers from the party, re-evaluate the teachers, with higher standards. How high? Well this is a job for the states. "Darn conservative putting his 10th amendment into his blog* Yeah I know, cry me a river. But in this case, its what the founding fathers told us to do. If something is not mandated in that constitution directly, then the responsibility and the power goes to the people and the state. It's called federalism people, and it needs to be revamped.

So let's say my home state of Virginia decides that the proper evaulation for a teacher is a standard knowledge test. Ranging from proper grammar, too basic mathematics, even, dare I say it, basic United States history and civics. Alright, then Virginia decides the requirements to pass this test must be anything higher or equal to a 90%. Fair enough, this is a basic exam. So Virginia then decides to create another test for teachers wishing to become 6-8th grade teachers. Virginia creates another test just for them. This time its a little bit harder. It has Algebra and basic science, mixed with advanced history and civics. The requirements for this test are a bit higher since the job is a bit more demanding. It's a 93% or higher. The same then will happen for those wishing to teach high school and even college. This is a state right! If their is a demand for teachers, its not in the federal governments authority to mandate to another state to lower their standards.

Today, people are putting more and more trust into their government because they believe it will work. Well here is the problem. The bigger government is actually crippling our Constitution. Education, a privalege nowhere mentioned in the Constitution, is being taken away from the States. Or if not taken away it is falling under the control of the Federal gov by pell grants being tossed into the state.

Rabbit Trail Moment: I'd like to applaud South Carolina. They actually refused Federal Money!!! That's is what the states need to do!! Refuse the money and gain back their rights.

The next huge problem comes with the ideology of the majority of our teachers. Look at it logically, liberals tend to side with Unions. Liberals favor more government. Teaching is a Unionized career. Most teachers are liberals meaning they favor more government. It happens every day, especially in college! It's called indoctrination and its poisoning our freedom to think. In college it is rare for a student to question a professor. In high school you can easily get away with it. In college you can get kicked out of the class and even the college. Today more and more teachers teach their own biased views instead of facts. They preach their own agendas instead of furthering the education of America. Progress comes by questioning everything we are told. I expect all my readers to question what I say and do their own research. THINK! It is essential for a society to grow.

Don't believe me, ask Hitler's Third Reich. He took over the education system. Made the people believe in his sadistic lies. He was a very charismatic man. He tricked thousands and thousands of Germans that the problem for their problems was because of the Jews and look what happened.

Over in the Middle East, dogmatic extremists are teaching their children that their was no such thing as the Holocaust.

Tyranny can easily be attained when you get rid of the ability to question and think. History is full of examples.

Will we give up our right to question and think? Will states continue to give the privalege of education to the federal government to control? It's up to us to make a difference.

God Bless America!!


  1. The Teachers! Are you kidding? And that they are OVERPAID? Do you know what you havew to do to be able to be a teacher, eight years of school. THEN they take the test to qualify to teach in Virginia. So eight+ years of school and a test make them underqualified? And of course teachers are pro-union! They're in a union, it has nothing to do with them being liberal or otherwise. Thats just stupid reasoning of trying to bring down Liberals, and stating that Liberals are unqualified to teach. If anything is bringing down Amercia it's your view that anybody with different opinions are wrong. That isn't American by any means of the word. Your opinions are biased and flawed annd probably root from an underlying hatrid of yourself, your probably "in the closet" or something.

  2. Teachers are nowhere near overpaid. They have some of the lowest incomes. And I have never met a teacher that didn't try to answer my "non-textbook" question. They may not have encouraged me to ask questions, but that has nothing to do with their knowledge on a subject, its just how a teacher may teach. You make it sound like teachers are evil federal government workers or something, trying to brainwash students into learning just what they want them to know. If that were the case, all textbooks EVERYWHERE would be exactly the same.
