Friday, October 23, 2009

Abortion: A Heinous Crime

I’m rather young and inexperienced when it comes to matters such as Life and Death, but I have been told on multiple occasions that I am a member of tomorrow’s world. So if that is the case I plan to make myself heard. I am the voice for the unborn, the developing, and new births. I am the pro-life soul who wishes to ban the abhorred practice of abortion.

Today more and more of my fellow peers fall into the blind trap that many good people fall into. The trap is simple and yet very cunning. Today, leaders of politics and interest groups lure the unsuspecting into a sense of freedom. That we can do whatever we please because it makes “us” feel good. Oh the harsh world we live in. Blind the masses with ignorance and bliss, while the elite make off with money and legislation.

This needs to stop. Step one in banning the said practice starts with opening the masses eyes to what is happening to us. Teach! Teach them to be accountable and responsible for their actions. It starts with holding your neighbor and yourself accountable. If you saw your friend steal something from a store, would you turn a blind eye and think nothing of it, or do you confront your friend and tell him what he did was wrong. Today there is less of this and more of turning the blind eye. We are ignoring the growing darkness swirling right in front of us.

Step two requires work on all our part. We need to keep this awareness. We need to spread it and remember it. If we forget the truth, that doesn’t mean its not there, but it means we become lost until the next time someone brings the truth again. Stop with this ignorance and open our eyes.

Its time we become aware of the truth. Abortion is a vile act and cruel. I am amazed that people can justify abortion by freedom of choice. Abortion is not like killing a virus or a parasite, nor is it like controlling what you eat or drink. Abortion kills another life growing within the host mother. The fetus is a developing human. Not a worm, not a disease, but a human. One of us. The fact that it’s developing is another means that the elite use to blind us. “It isn’t a human until it’s born,” they say. How sad that human worth is treated so low that we aren’t technically human until we come out of the womb. Science says otherwise.

Let us look at the development of an embryo/fetus inside the womb by a month by month evaluation. Month 1: Tiny limb buds appear. These will grow into the child’s future limbs. The heart and lungs begin to form. By the 25th day the heart begins to beat. The neural tube, which becomes the brain and spinal chord, begins to form. Month 2: All major body organs and systems are formed but not fully developed. The ears, ankles and wrists form and the eyelids form but are sealed shut. Fingers and toes develop. Month 3: The embryo is no longer an embryo but a fetus. The fingers and toes have fingernails. The mouth grows 20 buds that will become “baby teeth.” Month 4: The fetus is moving, kicking and swallowing. The skin is pink and transparent. Month 5: The fetus is much more active now. The fingertips stretch down to the tips of the fingers. The fetus sleeps and wakes at regular intervals. Month 6: The skin is red and wrinkled and has soft hair growing out of it. The eyelids begin to open. Month 7: The fetus can open and close its eyes, move around and even suck its thumb. The fetus is now about 15 inches long and weighs about 3 pounds. It has a good chance of survival if born now. Month 8: Rapid brain growth continues. The fetus is too big to move around much but still kicks. Month 9: The child is full term. The lungs and brain are fully formed and the child begins to get into position to be born.

Yet there are many “experts” who claim that a fetus is just a blob of flesh, that insist on convincing us that humans develop in their 9th month and are born that same month. Again it is the elite keeping the masses blind for the sake of happiness. I’m not here to bring happiness but to end an injustice. Life begins within the womb. If our society is one in which the right to live is sacred then we must agree that abortion the destruction of life is sinful and wrong.

These experts go further. They claim that a woman should be able to get an abortion anytime during the pregnancy. But as I have just told, the child could be born and survive in the 7th month and with medical help the child may survive if born in the 6th month. The child is growing inside the mother’s womb and will keep growing until its ready for birth, it isn’t a blob, nor is it lifeless. It is a breathing, living child within the womb.

It is but a way that one can escape the consequences of their actions. A woman at a party meets an attractive guy and they have sex. She gets pregnant. Today, she can either have the child, and bear with her the “humiliation” and “suffering” that people will bring her, or get an abortion and act like nothing happened. This is but one example of many. We are becoming less responsible and more comfortable in the fact that we are being offered a way out of our problems. Should we show sympathy for the woman who had no responsibility and decided to get an abortion. I pity that woman. But in all fairness it’s not just the woman. Many men in a relationship when they find that their girlfriend is pregnant insist that she gets an abortion or he’ll end the relationship. Again, it is time we bring back responsibility and accountability. There seems to me to be no regard for the developing child, that its life is meaningless if it’s interfering with the “wants” of the woman or man.

If we are to promote a society where human life is sacred then we must consider all forms of human life sacred. From the unborn to the dying all life is sacred. To include one but exclude the others is hypocritical and leads to animosity. What’s next, the life of a teenager is not sacred and all teens should be killed or how about we do what China does and kill all second children? The point is in these wonderful States I call home, we promote freedom, yes, but we offer everybody the right to life.

I have been bombarded ever since my pro-life stance with accusations of no sympathy towards rape victims and victims of heinous and immoral deeds such as incest. But my response is greatly ignored. I tell these accusers that I agree that rape and incest are wrong and that those that commit such wicked crimes should be punished, but the child whom is developing within the womb is an innocent life. What does this world have to gain by killing the innocent?

Then I get accused of being mean spirited towards teenagers who were raped and are pregnant. I am told they should be given the option. Again, there is a life growing inside this young teen. I am deeply sorry for what happened to her, but there is no exception to the right of life. The moment we start doing that, the faster we fall downhill to giving up our lives completely. There is one song by the band Casting Crowns that sticks out to me: “As we’re sung to sleep by philosophies that save the trees and kill the children.” The words ring true in the back of my mind. We, the ....United States...., are more upset about the planet then our brothers and sisters on this planet.

But, alas, I am not without sympathy. If the child or anybody is a victim of rape, and they immediately go to the hospital or clinic and they get checked out that they have been raped then the doctor can give the woman the morning after pill which denatures the egg before the sperm reach it. But with this being said, rape situations need to be strengthened. No more alcohol rape, no more consensual rape. No, rape should be and only be when the sex is forced, so it isn’t without hope for the rape/incest victim. They do have a way out, but they need to act quickly.

This is the moment we need to wake up. This is the type of change we need to bring forth. This is the plea to be heard, the small unborn life calls out to us, begging for life. This is an invitation to become more aware. This is a time for us to acknowledge the problems and fix them! Open our eyes, spread the truth, and save that child’s life. ....

1 comment:

  1. Brave topic to choose...

    And, I strongly agree with much of what you have said - and strongly disagree with other things.

    First of all, the 'Morning After' pill does NOT 'denature' the egg before the sperm can reach it. Instead, it causes the lining of the uterus to peel off - as it would during a normal period, but this is 'heavier'. This means that whether the egg and sperm ever got together or not, there is no tissue on the wall of the uterus in which a fertilized egg could potentially attach itself. (Actually, I am told by MDs that this kind of thing happens 'naturally' a lot: a fertilized egg fails to implant.)

    That was just for accuracy's sake.

    Second thing one must take into consideration is that 'coerced pregnancy' has been used as a weapon against women for thousands of years and continues to be used this way in many places today. That is a fact which is usually absent from most 'abortion' debates - but I present to you that it ought to be examined.

    No, I do not 'support abortion'.

    Nor do I think it is ethical to force a woman to host a fetus against her: it is, in no uncertain terms, a form of physical and psychological torture.

    Still, we need to find a balance. One that would do 'least evil' - let's face it, both choices are 'evil'.... And, as you said, the level of development of the fetus - the future human - is the variable which will tip the 'evilness' scale from one side to the other.

    So, how to decide?

    I suggest that if and when a woman decides that she cannot or will not continue to host a fetus, instead of killing the fetus and then delivering it - simply deliver it!

    Skip the 'killing' part.

    No longer 'an abortion', rather 'early delivery'.

    Then, once it is born, the fetus is legally recognized as a human, with all the efforts the medical staff can exert to save its life. If it is too early - it was not meant to be. If it is viable - it gets to live.

    In other words - let 'God' or 'nature' make the final decision!

